Search improvements
There’s nothing so stable as change.xHamster Machine Learning team is working hard 24/7 to make your experience better and cater to every kinky need of yours.Today we are asking you to help us improve the search engine on xHamster.
Please share in the comments field what you’d like to improve about searches.Let us know of the things you were searching but couldn’t find on xHamster.Are there any additional filters we could add? Which features does our search engine lack?Which areas for improvement do you see here?Any ideas are more than welcome!Thankfully yours,xHamster team
Please share in the comments field what you’d like to improve about searches.Let us know of the things you were searching but couldn’t find on xHamster.Are there any additional filters we could add? Which features does our search engine lack?Which areas for improvement do you see here?Any ideas are more than welcome!Thankfully yours,xHamster team
6 años atrás
That's a feature I miss a lot. Btw, it was possible in old xhamster....