The Breath You Don't Deserve
320 100%
Brace yourself, because once you press play, there's no stopping what's coming. You're about to be dragged into the cruelest torment you've ever imagined, with nowhere to hide and no way to resist. You thought you wanted to feel true submission? I'm about to redefine what that means for you. The moment my voice begins, you're mine. I start by pressing the mask against your face, controlling each of your gasping breaths, letting you feel that terrifying loss of control as the world blurs around you. Every inhale, every exhale - they belong to me now, and I make sure you know it, tightening my grip until you can't tell where the air ends and my command begins. You're made to the ground, and I don't just stop there. I use my boot to grind your face down, making you feel the weight of my power pressing into you, making you to submit in the most humiliating way. You'll squirm, you'll writhe, but every pathetic attempt only feeds my cruelty, only makes me push harder.
Transcripción de vídeo
Mírate, ahí de pie con los ojos abiertos, como un corderito temblando en presencia de un lobo.
No tienes idea en lo que te has metido, ¿verdad?
Dijiste que querías sentirte indefenso, querías perder el control por completo.
Bueno, estoy aquí para asegurarme de que lo hagas.
Puedo verlo en tus ojos, esa emoción mezclada con miedo, esa necesidad de someterse, pero sabiendo que no hay vuelta atrás una vez que has cruzado esa línea,